Dental Care Professionals
Putting your Dental Health Education skills in actions but providing an oral care training to care staff in care homes. If this is something you are interested in please complete the 'REGISTER MY INTEREST FORM' below.
If this sounds like something you would like to do then working as an oral health advisor/trainer could suit you.
Our role as dental care professionals is to disseminate our experience and knowledge to educate care home staff/ managers/ trainers to understand the importance of good oral hygiene.
To work passionately and diligently towards improving the standards of oral care within care homes
To uphold the values and vision of Knowledge Oral Health Care by modelling organisation and professional behaviour
To engage with all healthcare professionals and educators thoughtfully and with respect
To encourage and challenge industry and professional leaders towards continually improving healthcare practices and policies
To seek out business opportunities by identifying and engaging with care homes to provide support for care staff with oral health matters